Bloggers participating in the BuddingBloggers program are required to adhere to the following policies. We ask that you read these policies carefully and refer to this document often. While in many cases we prefer to work with bloggers to achieve policy compliance yet failing to comply with these policies can lead us to disable your hosting account and domain. If your account is disabled, you will not be eligible for further participation in the BuddingBloggers program.
- Blogging about illegal topics will lead to an automatic suspension and/or termination of your participation.
- Participants must update your blog at least twice a week.
- Activity on BuddingBloggers forums is a must for all participants.
- Participants are expected to build traffic, maintain at least 100 unique visitor/days at the 6th month and achieve 200 unique visitor/days after 11th month from this sponsorship program.
- Any improper use of the storage space will lead to an automatic suspension and/or termination of your participation.
- Inactivity on the blog will lead to suspension and/or termination.
- We will place 5 links in the sidebar and a small badge saying sponsored by nthSide (May have one more badge from one of our sponsors).
- Once in a while you might have to add a sentence about our sponsors at the end of your post.
- You are not authorized to sell the domain we provide you.
- You can not add any redirection scripts on the domain.
- The content published on your blog is a property of nthSide.
- nthSide reserves the right to change the program guidelines without prior notice. It is participant’s responsibility to keep up to date with and adhere to the policies posted here.