Changing File Permissions via FileZilla

File Permissions affect the capability of users or group of users to Read, Write or Execute files. They define who or what can read , write or execute the files or directories.

Different files need different file permissions to do the work they are programmed to do.

The File Permissions can be easily changed by using FTP Clients such as FileZilla.

Make your blog 100% Secure

Security of a blog is the major component of blog management. By securing your blog, you mean that your blog is safe from intrusion by hackers and other badmen who want to intrude into your blog and put some malicious content on your Blog. Security should be the major cause of concern for the blog

Immediate things to be done after installing wordpress

This post is written targeting the budding bloggers participants,  all the points except 1,3 are applicable to any general blog. Save your ftp login details carefully. Backup the wp-config file in the blog directory. Create a administrator account for your self from the temporary administrator account we provide, and delete the temporary administrator account. Update